Daft punk is still not playing at my house

I had been thinking about writing something for a long time. I have thoughts on many things that I should probably keep to myself. I decided that I was terrible at writing fiction in the few efforts I made, and so should stick to what I have always done, writing observational short pieces. The current model is to share some weekly reflections on life in Lyon and Saone et Loire specifically and generally about the recent immigration experience in France. I still occasionally share some play lists that I hope encourages you to go and listen to some of the songs and albums talked about.

I live together with my wife Rachel, part of the year in Lyon which is the best city I have ever lived, in period; and Charolles, tucked away in some green rolling hills in south-eastern Burgundy. I work in container logistics which I found myself involved with in 1982 and have struggled to escape its enticing grip ever since.

The Angry Young Man is getting older

Never too late to learn….new bands and music has been a passion since the start. I was never the one to keep playing the same album over and over again, I remember Pete at Uni who rotated Rumours by Fleetwood Mac, Gratitude by Earth,Wind and Fire and Al Jarreau’s Look to the Rainbow for our whole last year, at a time when punk and do-it-yourself music was storming across the country. I also remember Charlie and I, who had both stayed in Bradford to work over Christmas holidays, December 1976, blowing off going to see the Pistols and went to the pub instead. Don’t be a Charlie like me, listen to some new stuff, go and watch the angry young men, before they get old!